How can NFT issuers/artists participate in Seedpad?

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1. Apply for participation

Oases welcome all NFT projects and creators who are seeking exposure to their artwork and an innovative channel for their NFT drops to apply to participate in Seedpad. When applying, please ensure that you meet the following conditions:

  • Originality: your artwork is original and has not been issued on other NFT platforms.

  • influence: You have an official website for your project, a verified and well-established Twitter account, or any other social media accounts to prove your influence.

Whether you are allowed to participate in Seedpad depends on many factors, such as the quality of the work and the schedule of Oases Seedpad, etc. If you have any questions, please contact


  • Your withdrawals are only allowed within 7 days after your successful sale* on Seedpad. If the sale conditions are not met, you will not receive any funds.

  • If your project receives reports and complaints during the sale, Oases will carefully review and deal with them accordingly. If it involves infringement, counterfeiting, or such, we will suspend the sale and refund the buyers.

*Successful sale: The number of tickets sold is not less than the number of NFTs.

2. Application preparation

  1. Artwork: Oases Seedpad currently supports works in formats of JPG, JPEG, and GIF, and the number of works is at least 10.

  2. A decentralized wallet: It's used to deploy smart contracts and recive the pre determined royalties of subsequent secondary market transactions.

  3. Available ETH balance: it's used to pay gas fees when deploying the smart contract.

  4. An Oases account: see here for details.

3. Application process

1. Upload image files and JSON files

  • There are one-to-one correspondence relationships between image files and JSON files, and each JSON file is an attribute description of an image file.

  • The names of the image file and JSON file must be the same, so as to be recognized as the matchups in one set. If there is no JSON file, the image has no attributes by default.

Example: The image file (image on the left) Oases Example#1. jpeg is supplemented by Oases Example#1.json (image on the right).

  • The specific requirements for image files and JSON files are as follows:

    • Image files: The number of image files is no more than 100 with each not exceeding 10 MB (if you have special requirements, please contact Oases The image file needs to be named after the future NFT. For example, an image file is named Oases Example#1.jpg at first. When the image is minted into an NFT its name has to be Oases Example#1.

    • JSON files: Each JSON file is attached to an image file, which describes the following information of the NFT. You can fill in the following with reference to the example file: a. Name: NFT name, which must be the same as the image file name and JSON file name; b. Attribute: the attributes of the NFT, which can be multiple, separated by ",".

    Example File:

  • After dragging and dropping the files or clicking to upload the files, the system will automatically read the data and display them on the page. You can always view and delete files that are successfully read, and re-upload the files that fail to be read.

2. Fill in the application information

  • Collection Name and Symbol (required): they will be used by the contract, such as Oases Example, Oases_Eg;

  • Description: a description of the Collection

  • Royalties: The total procentage x% from each future sale of this item. What you and the ticket buyers will receive also depend on how x% is shared between creator and ticket holders. This is a percentage number and cannot be changed once confirmed.

  • Royalties to share: All ticket holders will share y% of the total royalties x% from the future sales. Eg. If you fill in 30%, it means that all ticket buyers will share 30% of royalties and you receive the other 70%. This is a percentage number and cannot be changed once confirmed.

  • Upload Ticket Cover(required): Upload an image for tickets that will be displayed on the project details page.

  • Upload Banner(required): Will be displayed on the homepage.

  • Upload Poster(required): Will be displayed on the project page, for users to get a first basic impression of the project.

  • Artist: Automatically read the nickname of the account as the artist name, which can be modified on the Profile page.

  • Official Website: If the project has an external official website link, you can fill it in here.

  • Discord: if the project has Discord channel, you can fill it in here.

  • Sale Time(required): The time to start and end the sale. Note: The start time must be at least 3 days away.

  • Quantity of NFTs and Quantity of Tickets(required): The number of tickets must be greater than or equal to the number of NFTs.

  • Single-user purchase limit(required): The upper limit of tickets that can be purchased by one participant. If you don’t fill in or fill with 0, it will be defaulted to be no limit. Note: If there is no limit, there may be a situation where one participant buys all the tickets.

  • Email address: Fill in your Email address where we can reach you in case any special circumstances occur.

  • Note: If you have any special requirements, you can tell us here.

3. Twitter account verification (can be skipped)

Click on Verify Twitter to jump to the Twitter authorization page. The Twitter link can be displayed on Oases after authorization.

4. Wait for review and approval

Wait for the official review of Oases. There will be an email prompting the deployment of the contract if it's approved. You can also check the review progress in My Application.

If it’s not approved, you can check the reason for rejection in the application progress. There could be varying rejection reasons so please re-apply.

4.Deploy the smart contract

After the review has been passed, you can click Deploy the Smart Contract in My Application, and pay the gas fee. After the payment, the status will be updated to Successful Deployment. Please wait for review (A delay of about 5 minutes may occur during the status transition. Please do not submit repeatedly).

5. Wait for the second review

Once deployed, Oases will review your contract. If approved, Oases will automatically make your project online at a suitable time before the start time you have set, and display it on the Seedpad page of Oases. Oases will select suitable projects and present them on the homepage. You can also see project links within the My Application record.

6.Withdraw the revenue

Withdraw the revenue from the My Application 7 days after the end of the sale.

Last updated